On February 3, 2024, the Cambridge Rocket Club hosted its second Winter Mini-Launch. We were greeted with 3 degree temperatures, blue clear skies and less than 10 kph winds, ideal winter launch conditions. Our primary launch site field has been cultivated and the unfrozen top surface of the ground was too muddy to enter. We re-set of launch site on the north side of Mohawk road. The grass at this location is sparsely populate resulting in a thin layer of top surface mud.
Five club members as well as four guests participating in the launch. We managed to fly a total of 14 flights including a multistage rocket, cluster rocket, Scale rocket and an odd roc. We also had an E.9-4 engine failure. All of the models landed in close proximity of the launch site due to the lite winds. One managed to land in a near-by tree but was easily retrieved. We burned a total of 17 model rocket engines ranging from A to F motors with a theoretical impulse of 377.5 Neutons.
I have attached some of the digital images extracted from the GoPro videos I took at the launch. I will provide a link to the videos at a later date.
We will try to fly again before our first scheduled launch on April 20th. A short notice e-mail will be sent to the membership when conditions permit.