On July 20th, 2024, the Cambridge Rocket Club celebrated the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing by hosting it’s seventh launch of the season. We were greeted with clear blue skies, warm temperatures and moderate winds. The heavy rainfall experienced a few days earlier left several isolated areas of the field damp and under water. A relatively small group of enthusiastic members and guests showed up to put on a really good show.
We flew a number of scale models including Black Brants. Falcon 9’s, Patriot missile and Saturn V and all flew well. We also flew two stage, cluster, dual deployment and camera rockets. Our success rate was very good, unfortunately one of our more technical and expensive rockets ended up landing on the Mohawk Road power lines. The rocket was recovered but not the valuable payload. In total we launched 34 model rockets burning 38 model rocket engines with a theoretical total impulse of 1,403 mode rocket engines. I’ve attached some of the images I extracted from my GoPro videos as well as from my Mini-Cineroc launch. I have also noted the links to the videos below.