On September 21, 2024, the Cambridge Rocket Club completed it’s 10th launch of the season. The weather was forecasting showers in the morning but it held off all day. We were greeted with warm temperatures, high humidity, partly cloudy skies and very light meandering winds. We had 12 CRC members and two guests show up to fly their models under these ideal conditions.
We ended up launching 33 sport models including two stage rockets, scale rockets, cluster rockets and camera rockets using everything from A to G motors. We also hosted our annual Streamer Duration contest. This year all 10 of the participants flew Aerospace Speciality Products (ASP) competition rockets. Due to the high performance level of this rocket, and the smaller field (north side of 510 Mohawk Road), we reduced the total impulse for this event to 1/2A.3-4T engines. It was a very challenging event for most of the competitors flying competition models for the first time. The small rockets almost flew out of sight with the small motors and qualified flights approached 60 seconds in length. There were an extradentary high number of flights that failed to qualify due to streamer malfunctions, separations and engines ejecting. I intend to host a host a workshop to share some tips in the near future. More on that later.
By the end of the day we launched 48 model rockets, burning 53 model rocket engines with a theoretical total impulse of 875 Neutons. The winner of the Streamer Duration first prize of a $75. Canadian Rocket Store gift certificate was Bob Dorcas. Dylan Wheildon won the second prize of a $50. gift certificate. Out first place winner also receives pre-paid 2025 Cambridge Rocket Club membership.
I’ve attached some launch photos submitted to me from Paul Kobialka. Thanks Paul.
Fun was had by all that took advantage of the ideal weather conditions.