On Sunday July 21, 2019 the Cambridge Rocket Club celebrated the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first landing of man on the moon with it’s 8th club launch of the season. The abbreviated launch was held at the LS-5 Mohawk Road launch site under variable skies with temperatures reaching 22 degrees Celsius and winds ranging from 15 to 25 KPH.
A total of 17 model rocketeers participated before a large crowd estimated to be almost 40 people. We even has some bicyclists pull over to check us out. The theme of the launch was Saturn V’s but included many other scale and sport models as well as a radio controlled rocket glider practicing for next weeks North Coast Cup competition in Muncie Indiana. Good luck Kevin McLeod. Me managed to launch a total of 42 rockets burning 45 model rocket engines with a total impulse of 1,730 Newtons. We also managed to launch 5 Saturn V’s and a Saturn 1B.