A Cambridge Rocket Club launch was held on November 11, 2018.
The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s first launch in 3 months on November 11, 2018, Remembrance Day. The club has not been able to utilize the Paisley Launch Site since August due to sod reseeding and hopes to return in the Spring of 2019. The club restored relations with the new owner of launch site LS 4, RR2 Ayton after the corn had been harvested allowing us access to this previously used site. The weather was more like a winter launch with cold temperatures at the freezing mark under overcast skies and 18 kph winds gusting to 30 kph. The ground was covered with a dusting of snow.
A total of seven club members showed up and launched a total of 20 rockets, burning 20 model rocket engines with a combined impulse of 1,250 newtons. Engine sizes ranged from C to G motors. It was a cold day but welcomed by those present considering the delay in getting another launch site with Paisley temporarily unavailable. I’ve attached a few photos.
A new Cambridge Rocket Club launch schedule will be posted shortly.
There will not be any winter launches scheduled due typical weather complications and reduced participation levels. If good winter launch conditions do become available a mini launch on short notice may be scheduled. All members and guests will be so advised.