A Cambridge Rocket Club launch was held on August 11, 2018 under ideal weather conditions.
A total of 23 members and guests participated and a total of 12 vehicles arrived on the Paisley Road launch site. A total of 65 model rockets were launched burning 76 model rocket engines ranging from “A” to “G” engines. A total impulse of 2,728 Newtons were burned.
A second CRC August launch was scheduled for the 28th, however the owner of the field has re-seeded the sod farm rendering it unavailable for the club to use until the Spring of 2019. The seeds have not yet germinated. Hopefully the grass will get a good start before winter sets in so that we can once again enjoy this ideal launch site next Spring. Refer to photos below. We are trying to find a suitable temporary alternative in the mean time.
Please have patience and stay tuned.