The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s second launch in July on the 28th of the month under challenging weather conditions which limited the number of participants.
The forecast winds did pick up over the morning as expected (over 20 kph) but the brief shower was not anticipated. The cultivated field has been somewhat leveled making foot traffic more bearable than our previous launch.
The launch was attended by 15 members and guests and we managed to launch a total of 40 rockets and one radio controlled glider consuming 829 Newtons of impulse. We flew everything from a 1/2 “A” engine to a “G” engine. The wind direction played tricks on us, however we only lost one rocket.
We all had fun but look forward to more nominal weather conditions at our next launch scheduled for August 11, 2018. President Gary White has agreed to host the next launch.
No photos this report.