On July 15, 2018, the Cambridge Rocket Club completed it’s first of two scheduled launches in July.
The event was delayed 24 hours due to forecasted poor weather conditions on July 14th. Launch day weather was hot (32 degrees C), humid, and very light winds less than 10 kph which constantly changed direction.
The recently harvested sod farm has been cultivated leaving a very uneven surface making recovery access awkward. We will be monitoring the situation with the anticipation that they will be re-seeding the field at some point this Summer/Fall and an alternative launch site will be required.
A total of 11 rocketeers participated launching 58 rockets varying from “A” to “G” motors. The flights include two 2-sage rockets and four multiple engine cluster rockets. A total of 73 model rocket engines were burned with a total impulse of 1,998 Newtons. We welcomed four new members to the club and introduced the club to several prospective members. Our next launch is scheduled for Saturday July 28th, hope to see you then.
Images include aerial photos of the launch site.