The Cambridge Rocket Club set a new launch record on June 2, 2018 launching 128 model rockets into the sky.
We started launching early at 10:30 in the morning when some of the Canadian Space Modelling Team members tested models for the upcoming Can-Am championships in Muskegon Michigan on June 9 & 10. The skies were initially overcast with wind gusts up to 22 kph but the skies cleared and the winds died down to around 10 kph as the day worn on. By the time we got going for the scheduled 2:00 launch, members and guests showed up in large numbers.
We had a total of 25 members and guests fly model rockets, R/C rocket gliders, electric aircraft and drones. We burned a total of 141 engines with a total combined impulse of 4,764 Newtons. I estimate that we had approximately 50 people at the launch site in 27 cars. At 4:30 we had our BBQ with burgers, hot dogs and soft drinks. When dusk set in we had our evening/night launch featuring several different modes of illumination. The long day concluded at sunset and our biggest launch in recent memory came to a close.