The Cambridge Rocket Club hosted a launch on May 12, 2018. The launch was held at the LS2 – Paisley Launch Site. Morning showers gave way to an overcast sky and mild winds by early morning. By the time the first rocket flew at 11:00 a.m. the temperature was 12 degrees C and the winds were from the East gusting to about 15 KPH. The weather continued to improve as the day wore on.
We had a total of 9 members and one guest fly a total of 40 rockets. We managed to burn 44 model rocket engines for a total impulse of 1,725 Neutons. For some odd reason we had a total of seven Falcon 9 rockets launched. We also had numerous scale models and three clustered engine flights. The turnout was less that anticipated, likely due to the poor weather early in the morning. Those that did come out had a great time and took advantage of some light winds in the afternoon.
Our next launch is on Saturday June 2nd. Note that this will be an afternoon launch (2:00 start) followed by a BBQ and night launch beginning at dusk. All night launches MUST be illuminated so show some ingenuity.