On Saturday August 15th the Cambridge Rocket Club completed it’s seventh launch of the season. The weather was ideal at the Mohawk Road, Cambridge launch site. We were greeted with blue skies, moderate and meandering winds as well as warm temperatures in the mid 20’s. We had a modest turn-out including several prospective new members and guests.
The theme of the launch was Oldies but Goodies Day and we had many flying models from the past, as late as the 1960’s. Included in the trip down memory lane were the Mars Snooper, Apogee II, X-Ray, Honest John, Thor Agena, MX Missile, Yankee, Orbital Transport, Centuri Flying Saucer, Porta Potty, R2D2, Nomad and Spaceship Aquarius to name a few. We also had several G motor launches soar upwards as well as scale models and 2 streamer duration models testing prior to our A.3-4T streamer duration competition scheduled for August 29th. In total we managed to launch 43 model rockets and burned a total of 47 engines with a theoretical combined total impulse of 1,383 Newtons.