On September 10th, 2022, the Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s 8th launch of the year. We were greeted with ideal flying conditions. The temperatures were in the mid 20’s, winds averaging 10 kph and the sky was blue with some clouds. We welcomed to the field a large number of guests including many youngsters attending their first CRC launch. A total of thirteen CRC members took advantage of the near perfect conditions to launch a total of 56 model rockets.
The theme of the launch was cluster rockets as well as big rockets. The flights included rockets with gliders attached as well as a couple of models with cameras on board. We flew everything from A to G model rocket engines. By the end of the day, we managed to burn a total of 66 model rocket engines with a theoretical impulse of 1,860 neutons. The flight success rate was very high and we did end up losing one model rocket. A great time was had by all in attendance.