On Sunday October 16, 2022, the Cambridge Rocket Club hosted it’s tenth and penultimate launch of the season. The launch was delayed 24 hours to do Saturday rain and high winds. The weather was better on Sunday, however there were wind gusts at times exceeding 25 kph. The skies were mostly clear and temperatures in the low teens. Fourteen rocketeers including our latest new member did participate in the launch.
We managed to fly a total of 45 model rockets including some cluster and scale models as well as come camera rockets and one “G” engine flight. The winds tended to keep the altitudes low and streamers were often used for a safe recovery. We experienced an unusually high number of parachute deployment failures which in hindsight allowed some models to land within the boundaries of the field. I’m sad to report that we did lose two models to the wind. When we were done, we ended up burning 47 model rocket engines of all classifications from “A” to “G” with a theoretical total impulse of 603 Neutons.